Our Mascot

Our Mascot - Tails
For those wondering about our name and mascot, he is very near and dear to me. His name is Tails! He is named after my Dad's pet squirrel. My sister stumbled upon this tiny baby squirrel while on a walk one day. So tiny his eyes weren't even open yet. As hard as it was, she hoped that it's mom would promptly return so she didn't want to disturb him. When the momma squirrel didn't return by dusk, she jumped into action and brought him home. My Dad was quite the animal whisperer and although the baby was in bad shape, he knew exactly how to save his life. He raised him for a few months until he was ready to be on his own, thanks to my Dad. Every day for years, Tails would knock on the door for his food and sit with my dad on the porch soaking up the sun. Since my Dad's passing, I struggled to create a name that was fitting for my new business until one day, while thinking about my father, I saw a squirrel in my back yard. It was the perfect sign from my Dad when he knew I needed a push in the right direction. And just like that...The Squirrel's Den was born. I thought the name was a great fit to remember my Dad after caring for Tails during my Dad's sickness. I always admired the way Tails would gather and hoard his food, just as I gather and hoard treasures for The Squirrel's Den.